
Internet Institut Wien

Internet Institut Wien

Internet Institut Wien is an Austrian-based Think Tank with a mission to establish a top-notch innovation hub for individuals and institutions focused on building a better society through science and technology.

Internet Institut Wien
Am Hofgartel 12
1110 Wien, Austria

Phone: +43 1 43 50 320

Representative person
Kresimir Lugaric, President & CEO
Team members

Legal form
Non-profit association [Verein]

Registration number [ZVR Zahl]

Tax number
08 393/4216

Bank account
IBAN: BE87 9671 5651 2694

TransferWise Europe SA
Avenue Marnix 13-17
Brussels 1000

Internet Institut Wien is not subject to VAT.

Disclosure according to § 25 Media Law
Website is owned by the Internet Institut Wien organization. This website contains official information about activities and projects of the Internet Institut Wien.

Liability for Content
The contents of our website are carefully prepared, but for the content’s accuracy, completeness, and timeliness, we can’t give 100% guarantees. Our website contains links to third-party websites over which we have no control. Therefore we can’t take any responsibility for it. The provider or author of those linked websites is always responsible for the content of linked pages.

The content of the website is created by the Internet Institut Wien organisation and therefore is subject to Austrian copyright law. The reproduction, modification, distribution, or exploitation outside the copyright law limits requires written consent from our side. Downloads and copies are permitted only for private and non-profit but not commercial use.

Web site design and production
