Framing Ideas and Issues

for substantial impact

Think tank activities

Internet Institut Wien is an Austria-based Think tank. We are a non-profit innovation, and educational organisation with the explicit goal of affecting STI (science, technology, innovation) sector policies. We seek to reduce the role of government and increase the part of private and other sector organisations in several areas.

We are also a “free-market” Think tank interested in affecting public policy climates in promising development sectors. Massive differentiation from other Think tanks is that Internet Institut Wien has in-house implementation capacities and know-how essential for carrying out complex projects or programmes, both our own and our clients.

Our approach

Working on development, where everything seems “important,” the potential new activity areas are nearly limitless. The optimal size of a think tank depends on the organisation’s mission and business model. Our organisation size is a deliberate balance of two objectives.

We believe we need to be large enough to have a critical mass of senior in-house staff members to cover the breadth of issues and to enable organic interactions (via our visibility and outreach activities) that generate new ideas.

At the same time, we want to stay small enough to maintain a family-like culture where everyone knows everyone else and our fundraising and administrative burdens can be kept light.

What we do

  • Framing ideas and issues

    – Facilitate multi-sector dialog
    – Identify potential issues
    – Minting new ideas

  • Providing policy alternatives

    – Multi-sector analysis
    – Policy proposals
    – Visibility & Outreach

  • Implementation

    – Stakeholder dialogue
    – Enable programs’ prerequisites
    – Implementation of programs

More information

For more information about our activities and how we can collaborate please contact us.